CR Post

Colorectal Process Measures
Post Op
Compliance Audit
Compliance Measures to Capture

Time to First Post-op 
Chemoprophylaxis Dose
ACS-ISCR (p.46)

Mechanical and Pharmacological
"All patients benefit from mechanical thromboprophylaxis achieved with compression stockings and/or intermittent pneumatic compression during hospitalization or until mobilized"
"A single daily administration of low molecular weight heparin..."
see ASRA guidelines if epidural
ERAS 2018 (p.667-8)

Early Mobilization
ERAS 2018 (p.682-3)
ASCRS-SAGES 2017 (p.770)

"Time to first ambulation-any distance"
10 feet or more
2 minutes of more
ACS-ISCR (p.47)

"Date First BID mobilization"
ACS-ISCR (p.49)

POWERS 2019 (P < 0.001)
"Move at least to arm chair in first 12 hours post-op"
Compliance 49%

Early Feeding

"Time to first ordered clear liquids after surgery"
ACS-ISCR (p.48)

Oral liquids first 6 hours
Powers 2019 (P < 0.001)
Compliance 48%

"usually start clears w/in 4 hours"
ERAS 2018 (p.678)

"Time to first ordered solids after surgery"
ACS-ISCR (p.50)
ERAS 2018 (p.681-2)

IV Maintenance Fluid Stopped

"date and time"
ACS-ISCR (p.53)

"preferably stopped by POD #1"
ERAS 2018 (p.678)

Stopped after PACU discharge
Fluids then given when indicated

First 24 hours Fluid balance < 1500 ml
POWERS 2019 (P < 0.001)
Compliance 81%

Urinary Catheter Removal

"Date and time of urinary catheter Removal"
> 48 hours defined as "prolonged"
ACS-ISCR (p.51-2)

Removed by 48 hours
Powers 2019 (P < 0.001)
Compliance 73%

"catheterization for 1 to 3 days"
"special considerations pelvic surgery"
ERAS 2018 (p.679-70)


Multi-modal Analgesia
2 within 48 hours post op
(sedation concerns)
Intravenous Lidocaine Infusion
Regional Anesthesia
(liposomal bupivacaine in wounds?)
(some concern with anastomotic leaks)
ACS-ISCR (p.45)
ERAS 2018 (p.674-5)

Single Pre-op Dose
Gabapentin (300mg PO)
ERAS 2018 p.667

(Thoracic) Epidural in Open
(Thoracic Epidural not placed in Laparoscopic)
> 1 analgesic drug in laparoscopic
Powers 2019 (P < 0.001)
Compliance 87%
ERAS 2018 (p.675)
ASCRS-SAGES 2017 (p.766)

Data Points to Capture

Avoid Drains
Powers 2019 (P < 0.001)
Compliance 39%

Data to Consider

Glycemic Control
< 180g/dL 
Powers 2019 (P = 0.19)
Compliance 82%

ERAS 2018 (p.681)

POWER Study Group 2019:  real data
Association Between Use of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol and Postoperative Complications in Colorectal Surgery.  The Postoperative Outcomes within Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol (POWER) Study
Javier Ripolles-Melchor et at, JAMA Surg 2019;154(8):725-736
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