Minimal Sedation Equipment and Monitoring

Minimal Sedation Equipment and Monitoring
Pre-Operative Evaluation(s)
ASA III and IV may require additional Pre-op Consultation
Proper Patient Selection!
American Dental Association Minimal Sedation Guidelines Page 8 and 9
"At least one additional person trained in Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers must be present in addition to the dentist".
Positive Pressure Oxygen Ventilation
"A positive-pressure oxygen delivery system suitable for the patient being treated must be immediately available".
BVM = Bag Valve Mask
Blood Pressure
"Blood pressure and heart rate should be evaluated per-operatively, post-operatively and intraoperatively as necessary..."
Pulse Oximetry
"Oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry may be clinically useful and should be considered".
Monitor Depth of Sedation
"If a patient enters a deeper level of sedation than the dentist is qualified to provide, the dentist must stop the dental procedure until the patient returns to the intended level of sedation".
Continual Verbal Communication:  patient is speaking and responding to verbal command.

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