CR Outcomes

Colorectal Outcomes Measures
Return of Bowel Function

"passed flatus or had BM or stoma output of stool"
ACS-ISCR (p.54)
Powers 2019 (P = 0.02)

Tolerating Diet
ACS-ISCR (p.55)

Pain Control 
with Oral Medications Only
ACS-ISCR (p.56)

Morphine Equivalents
 Median and Range (for outlier skew)
Mean and Standard Deviation
Opiate-Free at 30 days

Length of Stay
ACS-ISCR (p.72)
Median and Range (for outlier skew)
Mean and Standard Deviation

"Happy Days"
Postoperative out of Hospital Days
30 or 60 days after surgery
Moonesinghe  2017 (POQI)

30-Day Readmission
ACS-ISCR (p.70)
Powers 2019 (P = .69)

30-Day Mortality
ACS-ISCR (p.70)
Powers 2019 (P = .73)

Patient Reported Outcome Measures
Patient Function (return to work) and Satisfaction
QoR:   Quality of Recovery 
QoR 9 or 15 or 40 scales 
World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 
(WHODAS 2.0)


Anastomotic Breakdown
Powers 2019 (P = 0.12)

Superficial Surgical Infection
ACS-ISCR (p.64)
Powers 2019 (P = .11)

Deep Surgical Infection
ACS-ISCR (p.66)
Powers 2019 (P =  0.25)

Organ Space Surgical Infection
ACS-ISCR (p.68)
Powers 2019 (P = 0.28)

Moderate or Severe
Powers 2019 (P = 0.01)

Single Organ Outcome Measures
Jammer et al, Eur J Anaesthesiol 2015 32:88-105

ACS-ISCR (p.59)
Powers 2019 (P = 0.30)

ACS-ISCR (p.60)
Powers 2019 (P > .99)

Urinary Tract Infection
ACS-ISCR (p.62)
Powers 2019 (P = 0.03)


Surgical Times
Anesthesia Start
Surgical Start
Anesthesia Stop 
(or PACU admission)
PACU Discharge
POWER Study Group 2019:  real data
Association Between Use of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol and Postoperative Complications in Colorectal Surgery.  The Postoperative Outcomes within Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol (POWER) Study
Javier Ripolles-Melchor et at, JAMA Surg 2019;154(8):725-736
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